Parker Posey: It’s time for a Best in Show re-boot! - the Data Lounge
May 23, 2020 · Thanks, R7! Are you old enough to remember Fred’s appearances on Fernwood Tonight with Martin Mull? I was a teenager and tuned into that show every night, mostly because of the chemistry among Willard, Mull, and the guy with the golf ball on his chin who would appear at odd intervals to make claims about UFOs.
Talking of Parker Posey - WHET Parker Posey? - the Data Lounge
Feb 12, 2018 · Hello. Some features on this site require a subscription. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month.
Parker Posey - the Data Lounge
Aug 16, 2021 · Parker Posey I must be seeing things, I swore there was a thread on her just now, but it’s gone. I was going to reply to it, this morning I had a dream of her.
Any fans of the film PARTY GIRL (1995) with Parker Posey? - the …
Feb 12, 2018 · A friend and I recreated Parker Posey's stand-and-pose while someone dances around you at a club one night. Someone across the dancefloor saw us and thought it was for real. He came over and scolded me for looking at my watch and yawning while my …
WHET Parker Posey? - the Data Lounge
Jul 16, 2018 · Hello. Some features on this site require a subscription. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month.
Are Parker Posey and Gina Gershon 'scissor sisters'? - the Data …
Dec 19, 2022 · Hello. Some features on this site require a subscription. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month.
You know what I find odd about Parker Posey? - the Data Lounge
Jul 8, 2020 · Is how she was able to find so many films to give her a starring role more or less playing the same quirky personality, over and over.I LOVE her personally. I just find this strange.
Hit Movie to TV Sitcom - the Data Lounge
Oct 9, 2021 · Name the star of the movie and their TV equivalent. I'll start:Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore Ellen Burstyn/Linda Lavin