Burke Hood was unbeatable in goal as the Vancouver Giants shut out the Kamloops Blazers 1-0 on Friday night at the Sandman ...
With the delay, the province has tweaked the eligibility criteria. Applicants must be 41 years of age at the time of applying ...
Whether you’re worried about climate change or reducing your carbon footprint or saving money, it’s all the same,' says ...
SpacesShared matches students looking for safe and affordable accommodations with older adults who have spare rooms to rent.
With just a few weeks until the home opener at Langley's Willoughby Stadium, the local pro soccer team is filling out its ...
Da Hye Son, an advocate for Vancouver Rape Relief & Women's Shelter, joined Aron outside the courthouse to remember Tori and ...
He also pointed out that the annual total of the funding breaks down to $150 million per year. While it is "definitely ...
The Ministry of Transportation and Transit stated in an email to the Surrey Now-Leader that the "three-metre high, ...
The City of Chilliwack has announced that ownership of the Chilliwack Coliseum will revert from the Chiefs Development Group ...
Toronto police detective called as expert in 'coded, slang and covert language in the context of illegal activities' ...
Soprano saxophonist Julia Nolan and guest conductor Bujar Llapaj are the featured performers for the Fraser Valley Symphony's ...
Locally, Chances Abbotsford saw a total of $1.49 million contributed to various initiatives in 2024. A large portion of this ...