In addition to doing their jobs, your Muslim colleagues might be waking up an hour before sunrise and suffering from ...
Lent always occurs at this time of year. Ramadan rotates around the calendar. This year, they coincide, with Christian ...
Across the United States, Eid runs on Dunkin’ — or Krispy Kreme or a local bakery, depending on where your mosque caters from ...
As customers prepare to break their Ramadan fast at Wahiba Dridi’s restaurant in Tunisia, she stirs a pot of peppery snails, ...
Fasting during Ramadan, known as sawm, is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which are the core acts of worship in the faith.
Retired Ghanaian boxer Bukom Banku revealed he skips fasting during Ramadan, not due to health issues but because he can't go ...
There is never a definitive date for Eid every year. Has Saudi Arabia confirmed it for 2025? How the date is determined, more on the Islamic holiday.
For the first week of Ramadan, Palestinians in Gaza marked the holy month with a respite from war. Then Israel broke a ...
For the first time this year, the New Jersey has allowed Camden and other districts to obtain waivers for the National School ...
In what has become a Ramadan tradition, a group of volunteers in Dearborn, Michigan, gathers excess food prepared for the ...
Ramadan, a time when fasting, prayer and reflection are heavily prioritized. It is one of the most sacred times for Muslims and it comes to an end on March 30 with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr.